Project Overview
The Castlereagh River Rehabilitation Project will improve the health and ecological conditions of the Castlereagh River instream and riparian habitats. It will encourage community involvement, improve access to the river and increase awareness of the river ecology and its cultural significance.
Council has received funding for the rehabilitation work, which includes 20 hectares of the Castlereagh River riparian zone, in the town of Coonabarabran NSW. Areas of woody and soft stem weed will be removed and revegetated with local riparian grasses, shrubs and trees. A River Management Plan, instream habitat mapping, water monitoring and a cultural survey will be completed. A new path, signage and waste traps will also be installed.
Project Update
February 2024
Stage 1 of the Castlereagh River Rehabilitation Project riverbank weeding and planting has been completed with 6,000 seedlings planted and 5 hectares weeded. Stage 2 of the weeding and planting is due to commence in February. A gross pollutant trap will be installed near the bridge to stop waste from entering the river through the stormwater. Fish Hotels are currently being designed to improve fish habitat in the river.
A cultural heritage survey is being undertaken to capture information on the history of the river. Construction of a new path at Neilson Park has begun to improve access to the river. Public art and signage will also be added along the path to increase awareness of the river ecology and its significance.
A community event will be held in Neilson Park on Sunday 3 March at 10.00am for Clean-up Australia Day. The event will include a free bbq, rubbish collection, tree planting and information about the Castlereagh River Rehabilitation Project.
This project is supported by Warrumbungle Shire Council through funding from the Australian Government’s Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program.