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Integrated Planning and Reporting

The Division of Local Government has introduced a new reporting framework for NSW local government known as the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework. This new reporting framework replaces the former Management Plan and Social Plan with an integrated framework that includes a Community Strategic Plan, a Delivery Program, an Operational Plan and a Resourcing Strategy. The new Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework is represented graphically below.

The new framework recognises that communities do not exist in isolation, and neither should Council’s individual plans. The framework encourages councils to draw their various plans together, to understand how they interact and to get the maximum leverage from their efforts by planning holistically for the future.

The new framework also opens the way for councils and their communities to have important discussions about funding priorities, service levels and preserving local identity and to plan in partnership for a more sustainable future.

Council has now completed all the requirements of the IP&R Framework, and Council’s IP&R plans and strategies can be accessed below.


Community Strategic Plan
The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) aims to identify the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and to plan strategies for achieving these goals. In doing this, the planning process will consider the issues and pressures that may affect the community and the level of resources that will realistically be available to achieve its aims and aspirations. 

Click Here to view Community Strategic Plan

Click here to view the Community Engagement Strategy 2022-2026


Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026 (DIAP) is a statement that outlines Council's actions over the next four years to making the Warrumbungle Shire more inclusive with disability. The plan forms part of other major reforms in the disability sector, in enacting positive change to the lives of people with disability to support their full participation in the life of the community.

Click Here to View Council's Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Annual Reports 

This report is provided to communicate the achievements that have been made by Council as well as highlighting the major demands dealt with during the year.

Click here to view the annual reports

Operational Plan and Delivery Program

The Delivery Program (DP) is a statement of commitment to the community from each newly elected Council. The Council is accounting for its stewardship of the community’s long-term goals, outlining what it intends to do towards achieving these goals during its term of office and what its priorities will be.  Supporting the DP is an annual Operational Plan (OP) which details projects and deliverables to be undertaken in the following year to achieve the commitments made in the Delivery Program. The Operational Plan is in effect Council’s budget for the following year and also includes Council's Statement of Fees and Charges for that corresponding financial year.  

Click here to view the Operational Plan 

Delivery Program Progress Report
The Delivery Program (DP) is a statement of commitment to the community. Below is the Quarterly Delivery Program Progress Reports, providing an update to the community on the commitments from Council. 


Click on the relevant document below to view; 

Long Term Financial Plan
Warrumbungle Shire Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) details Council’s expected income, recurrent and capital expenditure, and the external environment that Council is expected to face in the coming ten years. The LTFP is in effect Council’s financial road map for the ten year period and seeks to answer four key questions: 


       1. Can Council survive the pressures of the future?
       2. What are the opportunities for future income and economic growth?
       3. Can Council afford what the community wants?
       4. How can Council go about achieving these outcomes? 

Click here to view Long Term Financial Plans 

Asset Management Plan

Asset Management Plans are long-term plans that outline the assets required for each service provided by an entity, the expected service level to be provided from these assets, and most importantly, what funds are required to ensure that the services that these assets provide to the community can continue to be provided well into the future.

Asset Management Plans generally include information on:
• A demand forecast of future asset and service requirements ;
• The expected service level to be provided by the assets controlled by the entity;
• What assets an entity controls;
• Long-term cash flow predictions for maintaining/renewing the assets controlled by an entity so that the required level of service can be achieved;
• Indicators that can be used to ensure that assets are managed effectively over their lifecycle;
• Critical assets including a risk assessment on how to manage risks associated with critical assets;
• The way forward to improve asset management within an organisation.

Click Here to View Council's Asset Management Plan

Workforce Plan
Council’s Workforce Plan (WFP) is a plan which identifies how Council will have the right staff in the right place with the right skills to deliver the works in the Delivery and Operational Plans. This is done through identifying the challenges confronting Council, both internally and externally, and devising strategies to address these issues. It aims to provide Council with the people best able to inform its strategic direction, develop innovative approaches to complex issues and deliver appropriate services efficiently and effectively.

Click here to view the 2017-2022 Workforce Plan

End of Term Reports

The opportunity for the community to review a vast range of achievements by the previous Council over the past four years is available with the release of the Warrumbungle Shire Council End of Term Report.

Click here to view the End of Term Reports 

Rating Maps

Click here to view Rating Maps for Council's Operational Plan and Delivery Program

All Shire Rates Map 2021_001

Last Updated: 09 Jul 2024