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Macquarie Regional Library

For information on the Branch Libraries within the Warrumbungle Region click here 

Macquarie Regional Library (MRL) is a consortium of four Local Government areas, which provides a Library service to the communities within the Local Government areas.


Current Library Opening Hours

25092020 Library Opening Times

Macquarie Regional Library Service

The Councils involved in the Macquarie Regional Library service are Dubbo Regional Council, Narromine Shire Council and Warrumbungle Shire Councils. The Councils have entered into a binding legal Agreement for the provision of library services, the management of the library services by an Executive Council (Dubbo Regional Council) and the staffing of the Macquarie Regional Library service. The administrative centre (Regional Office) is co-located with the Dubbo Branch Library.

Dubbo Regional Council is the Executive Council for the Macquarie Regional Library Service, which in itself has no legal standing to employ staff and to manage finances for MRL. The Macquarie Regional Library Committee consists of two Councillors or appointed members from each Local Government Area.

Each member Council makes a financial contribution to MRL to fund its operations. This funding consists of the transfer of the State Government subsidies to each Council, a per capita fee determined each year by the Library Committee and funds for the payment of the salaries and overheads for the Regional Office staff.

The member Councils also contribute a separate amount for salaries and overheads for the staff employed at the Branch Libraries within each Council’s local government area. Each member Council is responsible for the provision and maintenance of a building or buildings to act as the Branch Libraries and service points within their Council areas.

There are in total 10 library facilities within the Library region to service a population of 65,643. Branches are located at Dubbo and Wellington in Dubbo Regional Council, Narromine and Trangie in Narromine Shire, and Coolah, Coonabarabran and Dunedoo Branches and also service points at Baradine, Binnaway and Mendooran in Warrumbungle Shire.

MRL also supports a mobile library service run jointly with the TAFE NSW Western Institute, Dubbo Campus.

Last Updated: 04 Oct 2023