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Warrumbungle Shire Council is dedicated to improving the safety of key cycling routes within the six major towns of the Shire through improvements to path infrastructure as well as support for community adoption of active transport to key land use areas.
The six major towns in Warrumbungle Shire that are identified in this Bike Plan are Baradine, Binnaway, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Dunedoo and Mendooran.
Feedback was received from the community on key cycling routes and reasons as to why community members may not actively commute in the Shire. This information, along with other Bike Plans and the Warrumbungle Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan assisted in the development of the Warrumbungle Bike Plan.
By developing a Bike Plan, Council can now apply for necessary funding to improve the main cycling routes in the towns of the Shire and acknowledges that as a living document it will continue to evolve with amendments being made to keep up with changes.
The bicycle networks for the six towns were subsequently developed with consideration of:
• Building on the existing bicycle network: Existing bicycle networks were analysed and new routes were identified to enhance these networks. This retains the coherence of the existing routes and aids in network legibility; • Identifying missing links: The draft network was overlaid with the existing network to identify missing links; • Connections to key land uses: The location of key cycling trip generating land uses were identified including residential, education, retail and employment, parks and recreation land uses; and • Community comments: Community comments on bicycle links throughout the towns were considered and incorporated into the network development.
Click here to download the Warrumbungle Shire Council Bike Plan
Last Updated: 06 Dec 2018