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Application for Certificates

The following Certificates can be purchased on the Certificate Application Form

  • Section 10.7 Planning Certificate - A Section 10.7 Planning Certificate provides information on how a property may be used and the restrictions on development. The planning certificate is issued under Division 10.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The two types of Planning Certificates prepared by Council are issued under Section 10.7 (2) and (5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. 
  • The 10.7(2) Certificate includes information about Zoning, lot sizing and uses of the land under the planning control, as well as Bushfire & Flood Prone Land. 
  • The 10.7(5) Certificate includes information about whether the land has known contamination, terrestrial biodiversity or if development consent with respect to the land been granted within the last five years.
  • Drainage Diagram - Shows the location of any recorded internal drainage and connections to the property boundary.
  • Section 121ZP Outstanding Notices - Certificate under the EP&A Act 1979 - provides details of any outstanding notice / orders issued by Council under the Act
  • Section 735A Certificate - Certificate under the Local Government Act - provides details of any outstanding notices / orders issued by Council under the Act
  • Swimming Pools Certificate of Compliance
  • Section 608 (Outstanding Notices) - Request for the supply of information concerning any outstanding notices or orders issued by Council in relation to the subject nominated Acts
    • Public Health Act 2010
    • Food Act 2003
    • Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
    • Swimming Pool Act 1992
  • Food Shop Inspection - Request for Council to carry out inspection of a food premises (except a butcher) to determine compliance with the Food Act 2000
  • Existing Sewage Management System (OSSMS) Condition Report

Once Council receives your certificate application and the associated fees, Council will aim to process your application within seven (7) business days.

Section 603 Certificate Application Form 

Local Approval - Section 68 Applications 

Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 specifies a range of activities where approvals are required to be obtained from Council. These are often in addition, or ancillary to, standard development application (DA) 
requirements and are known as ‘section 68 approvals’. 

Building Information Certificates

A building information certificate is issued under division 6.7 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

The certificate can apply to the whole or part of a building and is valid for seven years. It is usually sought by buyers or sellers of a property to make sure that a particular building and its land can remain as they are for that period of time - without suffering regulatory action by Council. A building information certificate does not operate to prevent Council from making a development control order that is a fire safety order or a building product rectification order.

Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate

Drowning in swimming pools is a significant cause of preventable death in children under five years of age. Pool owners must ensure that children are always properly supervised and are required by law to maintain the safety of their pool area.

Click here to download the fees and charges of the Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate

Click here to download the application form to apply for a Swimming pool Compliance Certificate

If you are a pool owner, planning to build a pool or looking to buy, rent or sell a property with a pool you need to ensure you are aware of laws that apply.

Owners who are renting or selling a property with a swimming pool or spa pool have additional obligations to meet.

When selling a property with a swimming pool or spa pool, you must ensure the contract for sale includes:

  • a Registration Certificate issued from the Swimming Pool Register and
  • a valid swimming pool certificate of compliance, or
  • a relevant occupation certificate issued within the last 3 years, or 
  • a valid certificate of non-compliance.

If you do not attach the certificates as required, the purchaser may be allowed to rescind the contract within 14 days of exchange, unless settlement has already occurred.

If a certificate of non-compliance is attached to the contract for sale, the vendor is transferring the obligation to obtain a certificate of compliance to the purchaser.

The purchaser will have 90 days from the date of settlement to rectify defects listed in the certificate of non-compliance and obtain a certificate of compliance.

This requirement does not apply to a lot in a strata scheme or in a community scheme if that strata or community scheme has more than two lots, or if the sales contract is for an off-the-plan property.


Last Updated: 09 Aug 2024