Excitement is building for the Mullaley community, with the Mullaley Recreational Building within the recreation grounds one step closer to completion. 

“With the exterior works now finished the Mullaley Recreational Building is nearing completion,” said Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Ambrose Doolan. “All that is left to do is the interior works with plumbers, electricians and carpenters now on site, working hard to get the building to lock up stage.”

“This project is very exciting for the Mullaley community and surrounding areas as once completed, this building will provide a space for not only the events that are regularly held at the recreation grounds, but also open up options for the local fire brigade to host training days and meetings, and the local school for larger P & C fundraising events,” Cr Doolan explained. 

NSW Nationals Upper House MP Sam Farraway said $215,000 had been secured through the NSW Government Drought Stimulus Package for the construction of a new multipurpose building at the Mullaley Recreation Ground. 

“I know Mullaley and the surrounding communities are very excited to see this project taking shape and we are now one step closer to it being complete,” Mr Farraway said.

“This multipurpose building will play an important role in the community, supporting events, training and sport. This type of grassroots project is exactly what the Drought Stimulus Package was designed to deliver.”

“Thank you to the NSW State Government Drought Stimulus Package for funding this project and turning a vision from the Mullaley Recreation Ground Volunteer committee into a reality and supporting our local communities,” said Cr Doolan. 

“This project is being managed by Council with the help of the Mullaley Recreation Ground Volunteer committee, who has been a great support. The volunteers at Mullaley have put a lot of effort into seeing this project get off the ground and it will be wonderful to see the local community using this facility.” 

“With the project anticipated to be completed in September an official opening is being planned. Further information about the opening will be put out as details are finalised and it will be great to see the Mullaley and surrounding communities come out to the opening and celebrate this volunteer-driven community project,” Cr Doolan concluded.  

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