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NSW Planning Portal

Welcome to the NSW Planning Portal – a digital space where community, industry and government can work together to better understand and meet their obligations under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


In keeping with the changing digital age a new improved way to lodge residential planning applications is now available through the NSW Online Planning Portal.

Click here to visit the NSW Planning Portal

Residents across the Shire who are applying for either a Development Application or a Complying Development Application can now submit their applications online through the NSW Planning Portal, which is linked on Council’s website under the Planning and Development tab. 

Council’s Environment and Development staff will still be booking and conducting pre-lodgment meetings and site inspections. These meetings are an opportunity to get some further information about online lodgement of development applications.

To book a pre-lodgment meeting contact the Environment and Development Services Administration Officer by phone on (02) 6849 2000. 

Click here for more information on the new NSW Online Planning Portal

Last Updated: 11 May 2021