Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayoral elections

The Warrumbungle Shire Council’s Mayoral elections have concluded with Councillor Ambrose Doolan re-elected Mayor and Councillor Kathryn Rindfleish elected Deputy Mayor. 

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) the Mayoral elections were conducted at the Ordinary Council meeting held in Coolah Council Chambers on Thursday, 21 September 2023. 

The position of Mayor was not contested with Councillor Doolan being re-elected. 

Ambrose and his wife Lisa have been part of the Coonabarabran region for some time, having bought the family farming business in the mid-1980s and establishing a 1400 commercial Angus breeder operation. Born and raised in the Warrumbungle region, Ambrose’s foray in Primary Industry has also expanded to importing and retailing Direct Drill Air Seeders from Canada since 2004. Ambrose has held a number of positions in the community, including equestrian and Rugby Clubs in the Coonabarabran district, and as part of the board for Cooinda, a not for profit Aged Care Facility, and the St Lawrence Catholic Parish Church Finance committee. In his spare time, Ambrose enjoys a round of golf, all things equestrian and rugby. Cr Ambrose Doolan was first elected as Mayor in September 2020.

The proceedings continued with position of Deputy Mayor, and a nomination for Councillor Rindfleish to obtain the position which was also not contested. 

Kathryn and her family have been part of the Coolah community for many years. With qualifications in Early Childhood and Business Management, Kathryn is a proud small business owner of multiple businesses in Coolah. Kathryn is heavily involved in the Coolah community and continues to be as President of Coolah Chamber of Commerce, Treasurer Coolah Swimming Club, however, previously held many positions on committees such as Coolah Central School P&C, Coolah Preschool, Tennis Club and other sporting/voluntary community committees. Kathryn is passionate about local government and continuing to support all towns/villages, and residents in the Warrumbungle Shire. In her spare time Kathryn enjoys, playing golf swimming, holidaying, and spending time with family and friends.

Mayor Councillor Ambrose Doolan proceeded to thank Councillor Aniello Iannuzzi for his services as Deputy Mayor of Warrumbungle Shire Council. 

The other councillors congratulated both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their election. These positions will be held until the local government elections in September 2024.

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Cr Ambrose Doolan and Cr Kathryn Rindfleish Mayoral Election 2023

Last Updated: 22 Sep 2023