Reached the 10 million mark!

The Warrumbungle Shire Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) has now reached the 10 million container mark! 

“Since the CDS Stations opened in Coonabarabran and Dunedoo in 2019 over 10 million containers have now been passed in at these collection depots,” said Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Ambrose Doolan. “This is a wonderful achievement for not only our Warrumbungle Waste team but the community who is making the most of this great service.” 

“The collection of these containers not only helps the community but also the environment with less waste going into landfill,” said Cr Doolan. 

To get involved in the Return and Earn program all you need to do is: 
• Collect eligible bottles and cans. Please note that not all bottles, cans and cartons are included in Return and Earn. The find out what is eligible visit Council or check out the Return and Earn website at
• Take your containers to a return point at the Coonabarabran Landfill or Dunedoo Transfer Station 
• Earn a refund. Every eligible bottle, can or carton you return is worth 10 cents. 
• All glass products must now be packed in their own bags and have a maximum of 40 glass bottles in each bag and must not be mixed in with cans or plastic containers.

“Council is thrilled with community participation in this Scheme over the last five years and we appreciate the community’s cooperation when depositing containers at Council sites,” concluded Cr Doolan. 

For more information on when Warrumbungle Waste landfill and transfer stations are open and more information on the Container Deposit Scheme visit Council’s Website under the Residents Service tab. 

Click here to download media release. 

CDS 10 Million Container

Last Updated: 12 Mar 2024