Expressions of Interest for Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Member

Council is seeking expressions of interest for an independent member to join the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC).

Click here to download an information pack. 

Click here to download the ARIC Charter.

The role of the ARIC is to:

  • Report to Council and provide appropriate advice and recommendations on matters relevant to the Charter.
  • Assist by providing independent advice to Council on it fulfilling its responsibilities by ensuring that management has an appropriate governance and business framework in place across the organisation.
  • Specifically, the ARIC should advise Council on the following matters:
    • Effectiveness of the Enterprise Risk Management Framework in terms of identifying and managing Council’s financial and business risks.
    • Effectiveness of key controls including policy, procedure and governance processes.
    • Legislative compliance by the organisation.
    • Effectiveness of external accountability mechanisms.
  • At all times recognise that the primary responsibility for the management of Council rests with the Council and General Manager as defined by the Local Government Act 1993.
  • Assist Council to ensure that the services and facilities provided by the Council are managed efficiently and effectively.
  • Identify strategies to assist with the continuous improvement of the provision of services and facilities to the community.
  • Promote continuous improvement across business processes with a focus on efficiencies and savings.
  • The focus of the committee should only by on matters of significance and materiality.

As part of this objective, the ARIC will ensure that there are adequate and effective systems of internal control in place throughout Council and will assist in the implementation of the internal and external audit plans.

The role and responsibilities of the ARIC is in accordance with the Charter, which may be revised or expanded by Council from time to time.

Members of the Committee are expected to:

  • Have a high level of personal integrity and ethics, as well as acting honestly and in good faith.
  • Attend and actively participate in meetings of the ARIC and contribute the time needed to understand the reports provided.
  • Broadly be aware of and understand the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements appropriate to Warrumbungle Shire Council.
  • Work collaboratively with other members of the ARIC in achieving the Committee’s objectives.
  • Express opinions frankly and ask questions that go to the fundamental core of issues.
  • Review the risks, progress, controls, finances and performance surrounding major projects.
  • Have an understanding of management principles required, recognising and evaluating the materiality and significance of deviations from good business practices.
  • Have strong interpersonal skills, oral and written communication skills, analytical skills, and ability to apply objectivity with sound judgment.
  • Comply with the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Charter.
  • Comply with Council’s Code of Conduct.

Applicants should provide the following information as part of their Expression of Interest:

  • A resume.
  • A document addressing the selection criteria including:
    • Outline of professional and/or formal qualifications.
    • Current (and prior) experience on similar committees in local government, public or private sector.
    • Knowledge of broad range of activities and services that Council provides and is aware of relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
    • Outline of relevant skills and experience in each of the following:
      • Strong financial management and/or audit background, with an understanding of accounting and auditing standards in a public sector environment.
      • Legal, governance and/or risk management.
      • Information and communications technology (ICT).
      • Business management.
  • At least two referees contact details.

Expressions of Interest can be submitted electronically by emailing the application to the Director Corporate and Community Services at by 4.30pm Thursday 8 June 2023.

All enquiries or requests for information should be directed to Council’s Director Corporate and Community Services on (02) 6849 2000 or via email to

Last Updated: 18 May 2023