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With the water level at Timor Dam lower than it has ever been the town water supply in Coonabarabran is under significant pressure.
"Everyone is aware of the dire situation we are currently in with relation to the town water supply", says Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Peter Shinton.
"If there is anything positive about this situation it is how everyone is pulling together and making a real effort to save water and limit their water usage".
"On behalf of Council, I’d like to say thank you to the residents of Coonabarabran for their water saving efforts and for taking this situation so seriously", said Cr Shinton.
"This is a long term problem and Council is always interested to hear input as to how we, as a community, can meet this challenge together".
"Council has been sharing water saving tips via Facebook, their website and on the radio and are pleased with the response to these tips and for the feedback from members of the community with their own water saving tips and ideas", says Cr Shinton.
Cr Shinton said, "as has been widely reported, the water level at Timor Dam is at the lowest level since it was constructed. With minor inflows in recent months, the water level in the dam has steadily depleted".
"The lack of rainfall in the catchment area over recent months is having severe consequences on dam levels and with no reprieve in sight Level 6 water restrictions will continue to be in place until further notice".
"Council is currently working on a number of strategies to supplement the existing town water supply. A pump out system has been installed at Timor Dam, bores are being constructed and infrastructure at the Water Treatment Plant is being upgraded so that the plant can receive water from external sources if required", says Cr Shinton.
"Although daily water usage is still higher than we would like, we know that people are making a big effort to limit their consumption", said Cr Shinton.
For a range of water saving tips and full details of Level 6 water restrictions, please refer to the Water Update Information page on Council’s website or pop into the Council Offices in Coonabarabran or Coolah.
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Last Updated: 11 Apr 2018