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The Council budget for 2024/2025 will be prepared over the next few months and there are a number of opportunities for the community to be involved in the process. “Each year Council adopts an Operational Plan – also known as the budget – that details the activities to be undertaken during that year,” said Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Ambrose Doolan. “Community participation is a vital part of the process of developing the budget each year and I encourage residents and community groups to take the various opportunities that are available to have input to the budget.” “At this stage of budget preparations, residents and community groups can make a submission for items or projects to be considered for inclusion in the Operational Plan. These external budget submissions are open on the Council website under the Have Your Say tab all year round. Any items received before 8 December 2023 will be considered for the 2024/25 budget. Items received after 8 December 2023 may not be able to be properly considered for the 2024/25 budget, however the online submission form will remain open,” said Cr Doolan. “In addition to external budget submissions, community groups are able to apply for financial assistance, by way of an Annual Donation, during the budget preparations. Annual Donations may be used for contribution to general rates or water rates, waste collection charges, hire of halls or plant, or a monetary grant. Applications for Annual Donations will open early in the new year,” Cr Doolan continued. “I encourage residents and community groups to be thinking about the items and projects they would like to see Council consider next year and make use of the various opportunities to be involved in this important annual process,” concluded Cr Doolan. For further information on having input to the 2024/25 Operational Plan, contact the Personal Assistant to the Director Corporate and Community Services on (02) 6849 2000.
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Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023