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Managing fire is vital for protecting our homes and maintaining environmental habitats. Planned burning on Warrumbungle Shire Council land is used to lessen the impact of wild fires. Planned burning reduces the build-up of fire fuel, such as sticks and leaves, that makes of the bush are left untouched. These areas also help re-establish vegetation in the burnt sections. Most planned burns in the Shire take place between May and August. Rural Fire Service staff use weather forecasts to determine the best day for each planned burn. Burns postponed due to poor weather conditions are rescheduled. Please contact the Rural Fire Service to report any build-up of fuel in any areas that threaten assets, or contact Council if these areas are council property, roads or parks.
Planned Burn Program
Neighbours adjoining the burn areas will be notified prior to burning as specific dates for burns are difficult to predict. Planned burning that occur regularly are usually scheduled for the following areas :-
You can play your part in managing fire by:
When you are building and living in the bush you must consider fire safety issues. Subdivision and building plans for homes located in high fire danger areas must meet state government standards. Bushfire hazard planning includes guidelines for:
For more information on building in bushland, contact the Warrumbungle Shire Council or visit the Rural Fire Service Web Site
Bush Fire Danger Period [ 1st October till 31st March ]
The Bush Fire Danger Period for the Warrumbungle Shire Council Area is from the 1st October till 31st March annually. This may be varied, depending on conditions from the Castlereagh Bush Fire Management Committee (BFMC). During the Bush Fire Danger Period you require a FIRE PERMIT issued from RFS ( see your local Captain or ring the Fire Control Centre) or for town residents, contact the NSW Fire & Rescue. Legal conditions on the Fire Permits, must be followed. Infringement fines will apply if burning without a Fire Permit. For more information see or contact Castlereagh Zone Office during business hours on (02) 6842 2645 or FAX 6842 2932
Off Fire Season Agricultural Burn
During the non Bush Fire Danger Period, Landowners must still give notice when lighting a fire to the RFS and Neighbours: under section 86 of the Rural Fires Act 1997 and Section 33 of the Rural Fire Regulations 2013.
To give notice of lighting a fire on your land, you must provide 24 Hours Notice before lighting. Notification is by phone to the Castlereagh Zone, Fire Notification Line on 1300 557 876, any time.
Leave details of your name, address, location from nearest town, type of burn and period of burn, with a maximum of 3 weeks notice for each burn period.
Towns and Villages
You cannot burn garden waste or any other rubbish in an incinerator in your backyard, on vacant land or on the road, without permission. you must contact the Rural Fire Service, or if in town the NSW Fire & Rescue Brigade , if you are planning to light a fire on your property for fuel reduction purposes. Hazard Reduction Certificates can be issued to burn on some road side areas controlled by Council, subject to the Rural Fire Service rules and procedures that you need to follow. See the 'Burning Off Flowchart' for further information for overgrown areas of Crown Land or other unidentified areas please contact the Rural Fire Service.
Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSP)
Neighbourhood Safer Places is a recently new concept that has evolved out of the tragic Victorian ‘Black Saturday’ bushfires in February 2009. Neighbourhood Safer Places have been identified as an area of open space that can provide improved protection to human life, taking into account exposure to radiant heat, smoke and embers during the onset and passage of a bush fire. The primary purpose of a Neighborhood Safer Places is the protection of human life. Neighbourhood Safer Places still entail some risk, both in moving to them and while sheltering in them nd cannot be considered completely safe. The safest option for residents of bushfire prone areas is to leave their property well before the threat of bush fire.
The following limitations to Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSP) should be considered within personal Bush Fire Survival Plans :-
Survival when travelling to or gathering at the NSP is not guaranteed. Identify these areas on the list in your area and LOOK FOR THE SIGNS
Last Updated: 13 Jul 2020