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Purpose The aim of this policy is to establish clear guidelines and procedures for the management of public pools within the Shire.
Objectives of the Policy a) To conserve and enhance for future generations public swimming pools as items of local and cultural significance.
b) To provide public swimming pools within the Shire that meet the needs of the general public as a learning and recreational facility.
c) To enhance community development and social interaction by providing a facility that can be utilised by sporting and recreational / educational organisations as well as private hire.
Policy Scope This policy introduces a Management Plan for Council owned swimming pools in the towns of; Baradine, Binnaway, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Dunedoo and Mendooran.
The Draft Management Plan includes provision for pool operations when a lifeguard is available and when a lifeguard is not available.
Background Public swimming pools provide an important venue for many forms of water sports, fitness and other recreational activities, and are enjoyed by significant numbers within the community throughout the year and particularly in summer.
Councils have a responsibility to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to minimise the risks that can be associated with aquatic locations under their care and control.
Definitions Nil.
Policy Statement • To put in place a Management Plan that preserves and enhances the local, social and cultural heritage significance of these public assets.
• To put in place a Management Plan which provides for fair and equitable access to these facilities.
• To put in place budget allocations that will enable the safe and efficient operation of Council’s public swimming pools in accordance with public health guidelines, community expectations and legislative requirements.
• Council recognises that there are higher risks at certain times.
Responsibilities The staff member responsible for the day to day application of this policy is Manager Urban Services and Facilities.
Associated Documents Practice Note 15 (produced by the NSW Department of Local Government) and the Royal Lifesaving Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation will provide guidance on any item not specified in the WSC Public Swimming Pools Management Plan.
Other relevant documents include:
• WSC Public Swimming Pools Management Plan • Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51 • Enclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 Section 4 (1) • Smoke Free Environmental Act 2000 Section15 (7) • NSW Department of Local Government – Practice Note 15 • Royal Life Saving Association – Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations • Statewide Mutual – Guidance Note ‘Swimming Pool Operations’, February 2011 • Statewide Mutual – Best Practice Manual ‘Signs as Remote Supervision’, October 2012 • AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 – ‘Risk Management – Principles & Guidelines’
Getting Help Manager Urban Services and Supervisor Pools
Version Control Review Date: September 2020 Staff Member Responsible for Review: Manager Urban Services
Click here to download Public Swimming Pool Policy
Last Updated: 21 Oct 2019