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Community Donations

As part of Warrumbungle Shire Council’s Operational Plan, Council provides financial assistance and donations to local community groups and organisations through its’ Donations Policy.

Council’s Donations Policy enables Council, under Section 356 of the Local Government Act (1993), to provide financial support to local community groups and organisations who contribute to the achievement of the aims and objectives of Councils’ Community Strategic Plan, four (4) Delivery Program and / or annual Operational Plan.

Each year, Council offers two (2) donation types that Community Organisations can apply for:
1. Community Financial Assistance Donations: Offered in two separate rounds each year to the value of up to $500 in cash monetary grants. 
    NB: Council has budgeted $20,000 for both Round 1 and Round 2.

2. Annual Donations: offered in one round as part of Councils yearly budget, Annual Donations are provided across six (6) categories:
50% of the annual General Rate, Water Access Charge and Sewerage Access Charge
• 50% of the annual Water Access Charge and Sewerage Access Charge
• 100% of the annual Waste Collection Charge and Waste Management Charge
• Monetary grant
• Operator and / or Plant Hire
• Hall and / or Facility and / or Equipment Hire

Requests for all donations are through a time limited application process and these can be made on Councils online or printed application form.

Click here to view Councils Donations policy. 

Click on the link below where you will be redirected to Council’s have your say page to apply for Community Donations that may be currently available.

Click here to go Councils “Have Your Say” Page.



Last Updated: 02 Sep 2020